Sunday, December 31, 2017

Primary Copy

The Primary Copy [Alsberg 76] mechanism is an implementation of the passive replication strategy, where one copy of an object is designated as the primary, and the other copies become its backups. All write operations are performed on the primary copy first, which then propagates the update to the secondary copies before replying to the request. Reads can be serviced by any replica since they all contain consistent copies of the state. Any inaccessible secondary copies are typically marked as such (perhaps to a name-server) so that they cannot be used as either a future primary or to be read from until they have been brought up-to-date (another method would be physically to remove them from the replica group until they have been updated). If the Primary Copy fails then a reassignment takes place between the remaining copies to elect a new Primary.

A problem arises when the Primary copy fails. If the primary site is down a reassignment is in order. However, if the network has become partitioned a reassignment would compromise consistency. If network partitioning has a low probability of occurrence then the process for electing a new primary can be allowed: the secondaries should be notified of the primary's failure and they must agree amongst themselves which one is to become the new primary copy. If the election of a new primary takes place and the existing primary has not actually failed (perhaps it was not able to reply to the 'are you alive' probe-messages in time because of an overloaded node) then the protocol should ensure that the client will only accept a reply from the newly elected primary, as the old primary could be in an inconsistent state. The protocol described in [Alsberg 76] tolerates network partitions by allowing operations to continue in all partitioned segments and relying upon some "integration" protocol to merge the states of replica groups when the partitions are re-joined. However, such integration is not guaranteed to be resolvable.

If we take the case of only a fixed primary site i.e., no secondary takes over because partitioning is possible, then a resource replicated using this strategy only increases the read availability. Its write availability is the same as the availability of the primary site. The other replication strategies all provide ways of increasing write availability.

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